K-Drama Review: Shut Up, Flower Boy Band, Episodes 7-8

Contains Spoilers for Episodes 7-8

Seung-hoon and his rich-kid group Strawberry Fields won the battle of the bands competition, and now they're back in school bragging about thier win over Eye Candy, the poor-boys-with-heart band. Eye Candy lost by forfeit because one of their members was injured, so they're floored by the unfair loss.

In the previous episode, Ji-hyuk and Suah had their first kiss, which naturally complicates everything instead of clearing the air. Suah gets superhumanly awkward around him, but when Ji-hyuk opens up and says she can stop avoiding him, Suah turns him down. But though Suah's not sure where she stands with Ji-hyuk, she does finally tell her best guy friend Seung-hoon to stop waiting for her to fall for him. I feel like she's being a little cowardly in her reactions to Ji-hyuk, but being very brave about telling Seung-hoon that they're never going to be more than friends--it's a tough admission to make.

With life going so lousy for Eye Candy, Ji-hyuk writes a letter of withdrawal from school. But unbeknowst to the downtrodden band members, a video of their performance has gone viral on the internet, catching the attention of a media group run by Seung-hoon's big sister. The video is popular because the boys are really rocking out and having fun, but it hits viral status because Ji-hyuk stops the performance at the end to save Hyunsoo, who was bleeding from his guitar-playing hand. Girls everywhere are falling for Eye Candy because of that video, ironically making them more popular than they would have been if they'd won the contest outright.

Before they know they've achieved fame, the guys decide on their own to be happy and to just play for fun again. But soon they hear that a big company wants to recruit them! And yet...the company only wants to sign Ji-hyuk and Hyunsoo. Awk-ward.

Things I Loved:

1. Ji-hyuk/Suah: Oh. My. Gosh. Just when I give up on them, they go into Cute Mode again. Suah admits that she's frantic to find her MP3 player not because it contains Seung-hoon's song, but because it has Ji-hyuk's voice on it. (Mixed signals, sugar! But moody Ji-hyuk is just as bad with the mixed signals.) Ji-hyuk calls Suah to sing her favorite song to her because he's too embarassed to do it face to face, but then it turns out that he's sitting outside his apartment, and all she has to do is walk out of her apartment to hear him. Gyahh, so cute.

So Awkward, Suah Tries to Hide in the Wall.

2. Hyunsoo. This melancholy guy is my second-favorite in the band. In episode 7, the poor thing starts skipping school again because he's depressed after his onstage meltdown. In a major character-revealing scene, Hyunsoo sits at a playground with his baby sisteer, feeding her and telling her about how he and Ji-hyuk used to be best buddies. Hyunsoo smiles and reminisces about their childhood when they were inseparable until Ji-Hyuk disappeared into the music scene and started playing guitar with Byunghee. Hyunsoo's jealousy prompted him to take up guitar, so he's always had a chip on his shoulder and had something to prove. While music comes naturally for Ji-hyuk, Hyunsooo has to practice hard just to keep up. But after all this gut-spilling, Baby Sister comforts and hugs her oppa to let him know he'll be okay. Awww.

Baby Sister Shows Her Support for Hyunsoo.

3. Mr. Kim: This teacher seemed like a jerk in the early episodes, but it was all just build-up to his greatness in these eps. He tells the Eye Candy guys that life hasn't ended just because they lost the competition. It's honestly so great to have a little adult pragmatism intrude on the teen angst. One musical setback does not equal the end of all your hopes and dreams, boys! Teacher Kim says he's disappointed in how quickly they started sulking and giving up, because they can do so much better. You go, awesome teacher. He even smiles happily when he sees a video of the guys playing, like he's terribly proud of them.

World-Weary Mentor Expects More From You, Son.

4. Suah: I had begun losing interest in Suah and I thought the writers needed to do something particular with her, something related to her own goals instead of just having her respond or not respond to the guys' attentions. We still don't have much in the way of private interests for Suah, but she has gotten so strong. She returns Seung-hoon's gifts and says she won't accept anything from him in the future because she realizes that she's been letting Seung-hoon take over an almost-boyfriend role. She says point blank that she can't accept his feelings. It's so painful to hear the truth, but it's good she has matured enough to make the tough decisions. Later, when Ji-hyuk and Seung-hoon are both acting like jerks, Suah righteously announces that she doesn't need either of them! Right on. I love both fellows, but they need to grow up, too.

Atta Girl, Show That Backbone!

5. Do-Il: I thought Do-Il was just some dull, quiet guy in the early episdoes--I'm rarely interested in silent brooders. But now he feels like a real person, and he's often more observant than the others in the band. It's sweet and sad how he quietly supports the resident forceful girl Wookyung, because he has probably liked her as long as she's liked Ji-hyuk. But they'll end up together for sure--that's the way the plot is pointing. I also love Do-Il for stopping Seung-hoon's noona to ask if she genuinely thinks that the band has musical skill, because he doesn't want success handed to him.


Moping. The guys whine too much in episode 7. I heaved a huge sigh of relief when they got over themselves. They do have legitimate troubles, but they're too quick to view one big setback as a permanent ruin.

Paper-tearing. When one person rips up an important piece of paper, it's significant and dramatic. When three different documents get ripped up in one episode (the demerits list, Ji-hyuk's school withdrawal, the HR Entertainment contract), it has less of an impact every time.


Leadership: When they run into trouble, Ji-hyuk wonders what Byunghee would have done and how he would have dealt with the guys falling apart the way they are. Some scenes remind viewers that despite being the pseudo-adult leader of Eye Candy, Ji-hyuk is still a kid in a lot of ways. He throws minor fits and threatens to quit school when things don't go his way, but more often he makes smart choices. Ji-hyuk's at his absolute best when he's making tough decisions, not when he's chilling and letting things happen however they will. No one can take care of the other guys or Suah like he can when he commits himself to it.

Snobby Authority: The school principal is really a jerk. He praises Strawberry Fields to the high heavens just for winning a musical competition, then says Eye Candy has brought shame on their school for failing to place in said competition. Yanno, at some schools they actually try to teach the kids, or maybe possibly encourage them to achieve their goals.

Remembering the Dead: The reason Ji-hyuk is so distraught at losing the battle of the bands is that now no one will ever hear Byunghee's music on a large scale. At this point, his whole musical career is a tribute to his lost friend.

Loyalty/Disloyalty: Unlike leader Ji-hyuk who will take a personal loss rather than play without his friends, Seung-hoon is dropping his band Strawberrry Fields and debuting alone because he doesn't need them anymore. I'm glad to see him pursuing his talent and passion, and I even like that he's leaving behind his sidekicks, The Bully and The Snob, but I don't like the idea that he's tossing people aside and treating others like they're disposable.

Strawberry Fields (is not) Forever.

Cultural Observances:

Samgyupsal: At Hyunsoo's house, they have a barbeque party where everyone's sitting at a low table and taking food off of a grill right in front of them. The meat is samgyupsal, a type of grilled pork similar to bacon slices.

New words: Jincha="really?" Pi="blood" (mentioned while discussing Hyunsoo's bleeding hand). Nado="Me, too".

You can watch episode 7 at DramaFever.

Episode Evaluations:

Everyone, even the secondary characters, gets their development nudged forward, which makes me happy. Even though Shut Up, Flower Boy Band is supposedly just a high school drama about a rock band, it always feels fresh and exciting and the plot moves along at a nice pace.

K-Drama Review: Shut Up, Flower Boy Band, Episodes 7-8 Link Free Download

K-Drama Review: Operation Proposal, Episodes 1-2

Contains Spoilers for Episodes 1-2

Valentine's Day arrives in Korea, and Baek-Ho is late for a wedding. We're meant to think that he's late for his own wedding, but anyone who has seen the "surprise-he's-not-actually-the-groom" fakeout before is expecting to see him as a guest. Baek-Ho is in love with his best friend Yiseul, but she's marrying somebody else, and he's not sure whether he'll finally get the opportunity to tell her how he feels. Valentines is also the day of the Seoul International marathon, so the roads are impassable and Baek-Ho has to run all the way to the wedding. He runs so hard and for so long, it's painful to watch. It's like he's trying to make up for 20 years of doing nothing by giving his all at the last possible second.

The wedding continues as planned, and Baek-Ho says nothing. Later that day, he finds an old unopened letter from Yiseul which contains a love confession, so at least now he knows that at one point in time he had a shot with her. Next thing you know, Baek-Ho is sitting alone, crying his eyes out; the ugly, sniffly crying where you don't care who sees you bawling. Then a man who calls himself a Time Conductor offers him a handkerchief, then offers him a miracle--a trip back in time to make things right with Yiseul. The angel-like Conductor wonders aloud if Baek-Ho will do anything different with his second chance at love, since people rarely change for real. Baek-Ho goes back in time to 2001, his first year of high school, where he begins the process of figuring out how to win Yiseul's heart.

Things I Loved:

1. Baek-Ho. The actor, Yoo Seungho, does a great job of making this character sympathetic. Baek-Ho has a lot of flaws, mostly related to indecision, but I think he still gets the audience's full support. He's a little young for the adult half of his role (the actor is 19, and the grown-up Baek-Ho is about 27), but he's ideal for the highschool scenes. And, boy, can he cry perfectly. There's nothing halfway about his commitment to his performance.

When He Cries, You Will Cry, Too.

2. Baseball. I'm sure we'll hear more about Baek-Ho's past as a baseball player later on, but I like that it's a major part of his character because it's an interesting detail. Baek-Ho's room is full of baseballs and mounted gloves, plaques and trophies, which are all testaments to his achievements and his passion in life, but the trophies are ironic too, because he hasn't achieved the one thing he wants in life. He seems to have failed at his baseball career as well, come to think of it. Maybe he'll get to fix his love life and fix his professional life, too, as a result of the time-travel?

Groovy Blue Personalized Baseball Glove!

3. Music. The show has a really lovely swelling, twinkling soundtrack that could belong to a movie. The opening snowscape scene is magical, and when it's accompanied by classy music with strings, we feel just a hint of the fairytale world we'll be seeing later.


1. Baek-Ho's silence. How do you like a girl for twenty years and not let her know? Come on, now, that's a little ridiculous. It's hard to get behind a character whose main flaw is crippling indecision. I can understand him never confessing his in love in high school and maybe even in college, but at what point does it go too far? I don't yet know if there's a genuine reason for his inability to tell her how he feels, but I hope it's justified.

Takes Several Decades to Make a Decision.

2. Not enough Kim Yewon. This actress plays Chaeri, the best friend of Yiseul. Chaeri's an attention-hound looking for a rich husband, but she's got a sweet heart. I liked the actress in Flower Boy Ramyun Shop, but when I heard she was in this drama, I was hoping she was the lead instead of being stuck in a best friend role again. Maybe she'll get more scenes as the drama progresses. She's a favorite of mine, so I hope so!

Someone, Please Give This Woman a Main Role.


Time/Timeliness: Baek-Ho runs out of time to tell Yiseul he loves her, then he's running late for the wedding, and so on. Time is never on his side in any sense of the word until the Conductor steps in and gives him all the time in the world.

2nd Love: In an interesting philosophical moment, the Conductor says that most people marry their second-best love. He says that it's easy to recognize first loves because they hurt so badly, but it's harder to find that 2nd and most important love. I'm hoping that Baek-Ho and Chaeri are the second loves, because I want more of Kim Yewon in the show, but I'm not sure if I have any cause to hope for this--we don't seem set up for this pairing.

Cultural Observances:

Nationalism: Baek-Ho's taxi driver mentions that all good citizens should be out watching the marathon and supporting the Korean runners.

Traditional clothes: Yiseul's mom wears hanbok to the wedding.

Hanbok: Sort of Like a Full-Skirted Kimono.

Episode Evaluations:

Cute show, precious cast, great soundtrack, but with some caveats. While it's nice to see the sweet, innocent love between two people who genuinely care about each other, they are definitely having too many easily-fixed misunderstandings. All it would take is for Yiseul to say "I like you" instead of leaving Baek-Ho hints and clues, and all it would take is for past-travelling Baek-Ho to say he likes Yiseul instead of making lots of sacrificial gestures to prove it. In a perfect world, actions do speak louder than words, but in Operation Proposal, words speak louder than actions, and the main characters need to repeat this one simple phrase: I. Like. You. Conflict resolved!

You can watch episode 1 of Operation Proposal HERE at DramaFever.

K-Drama Review: Operation Proposal, Episodes 1-2 Link Free Download

Book Blogger Confessions #4: Social Networking with Authors

Hi y'all! Welcome to the blogger meme I'm co-hosting with my friend Karen at For What It's Worth Reviews. It's time to open up and share (and vent) about our blogging experiences!

Blogging about books is one of the best hobbies ever and it's incredibly rewarding, but it also comes with its own particular challenges and issues, so we want to open up the conversation and talk about the stuff we normally keep to ourselves.

Guidelines: Do not criticize other bloggers or authors in your post or in the comments! We're here to support each other.

All right, then. Let's start confessing! :-) Our current question  is:

For February 20th: Social networking with authors: Do you interact on Twitter/Facebook/etc with authors? Does it affect how you review their work or do you look at their books differently because you're on friendly terms with them?

(Question suggested by Andrea The Bookish Babes)


Tiger's answer:

Yes, knowing that authors will read my work does affect how I review. My negative views become milder, and I go about my review writing in a sweeter, intentionally non-offensive manner when I know that an author has a good chance of seeing my review on Twitter or even just while surfing for reviews of their own work. Because I know that I'll run into this messy issue, I've come up with some coping strategies:

1. I don't make Author-friends. Don't get me wrong, I want author-friends. Badly. I can think of 20+ authors off the top of my head who are smart, funny, friendly and generally awesome people. These are the kind of folks you want to associate with! I want to talk to them, I want to support their work, and I want to exchange emails/phone calls/Christmas cards/casual stalking. I see their tweets and blog posts and I love them like sisters and brothers. But I rarely comment on anything they say on Twitter or their blogs because I don't feel like I can develop a relationship without some sort of eventual fallout. I have to love them from afar. *pensive acoustic guitar music*

2. I only tweet about a book once it's reviewed. I'm taking a page from Karen's book, here. :-) We've both learned that if you tweet, "I'm starting Such-and-Such, yay!" or "Ooh, I'm loving the heroine in Such-and-Such!" the author will most likely find the tweet and retweet it or reply directly. That can cause problems if the reviewer gives up on reading the book (I do this all the time) or if the book in any way takes a turn for the worse. The author is left expecting further discussions or praise or publicity, and you have gone suddenly silent.

An important note on my coping strategies:

I haven't really met any rude authors. My non-friending and careful-tweeting policies are just the result of me trying to spare anyone from hurt feelings or disappointed expectations after they've worked so hard on their fiction. I'm not avoiding discussions with authors because I'm afraid of their behavior or because I think I'll get burned by them--I just want to minimize the chances for strained author/blogger relationships.

I'd like to add that I know of many bloggers who can manage good friendships with authors, and I'm all for it! It just hasn't been something I've been able to do.

Sooooo...How do you interact with authors? Can you manage a friendship and still review their work? Let me know how you do it!

To participate in the meme:

If you want to participate just grab our button and include it in your post with a link to either Tiger's All Consuming  Media or For What It's Worth.

Join in the meme and link your post up below or leave a comment!

Feel free to suggest future topics you want to see discussed.

Have fun confessing! :-)

This meme will be hosted twice monthly, on 1st and 3rd Mondays. Here are the March questions--

March 5th: Let's talk about a positive aspect of blogging! How has blogging influenced your real life in a positive way? (not related to books or reading) Have you learned to be organized or are you more social now for example?

March 19th: Everyone LOVES that book! Why don't I? How do you handle being the one reviewer who doesn't like a book that's taking the blogosphere by storm? Do you write a review? Pretend you didn't read the book?

Link your post!

Book Blogger Confessions #4: Social Networking with Authors Link Free Download

Song Review: Heaven by Ailee

Note: Thanks so much to Shanise at Camisado Mind for first recommending this song to me.

I first heard of Ailee several months back, and I knew she was Wheesung's protege in the K-pop scene, but I didn't pay much attention to the buzz that she was going to be the next big thing. But it turns out that 22-year-old Ailee is downright special, and I'm glad she's making her debut now because K-pop could use some more strong solo singers who are more about pure vocal talent than about choreography and concept.

As a song, "Heaven" subverted my expectations entirely. I was a little bored by the introductory couple of lines because I have trained myself to expect boredom from slow, pretty ballads. I thought Ailee was heading into Slow Pretty Ballad territory, and I braced myself for dullness but was utterly shocked when the chorus grabbed my attention again and didn't let it go.

Ailee starts off singing gently and there's a lovely little bit of piano and some guitar, then more serious beats as the song gains momentum and builds to a full-bodied chorus. By the time Ailee hits the serious high notes and wailing toward the end of the song, you're just all up in it. You can just barely hear a man's voice singing the backup lines in the final chorus, and that adds a nice layer to the song, as if the guy is singing back to the girl and agreeing with her that when they're together, life is like heaven.

The lyrics are happy ones (you can read an English translation HERE), about fully appreciating another person and loving them deeply, but there's just a touch of desperation about the words, as if there's some part of the story we're not fully getting. The repeated "heaven, heaven, heaven" lines give me cold chills, and Ailee sounds a bit like Evanescence at just a place or two. The English lines are spot-on perfect because Ailee is a Korean-American hailing from New Jersey. I really hope the K-pop industry keeps backing these Korean-American artists, because there's something so amazing to me about a singer who can pronounce two languages flawlessly, and I think it makes both Korean and English speakers warm to them.

And my goodness, I love Ailee's voice. She makes you feel the emotion in her words, and she wholly commits to the song like a singer is supposed to do. She presents "Heaven" like it's a heartbreaking, sing-from-the-bottom-of-your soul song. As a listener, this is not a life changing song, but it is totally the kind of song that could define a season in your life: this could be your Winter 2012 song! Check out "Heaven"--you'll be crooning this one for awhile.

My Grade: 4.5 of 5 stars?

Watchable bonus: Here's the sad, sad, super-sad video for "Heaven". I thought that I spotted Kikwang from BEAST at the end of the MV, and I was right! It's him. :-)

Song Review: Heaven by Ailee Link Free Download

Book Review: Frankenstein by Mary Shelley

Mary Shelley, 1818

Here's another classic story I'm reading for the first time! Frankenstein the novel, as I suspected, is almost nothing like the various incarnations of Frankenstein I've run across over the years. I've seen so many versions of the monster in childrens' shows, comedy specials, skits, and other forms of media, but none of the pop-culture depictions of the monster seem to accurately represent the sadness and abundant emotion of the book.

I shouldn't be surprised at it anymore, but it seems like all British or American literature from the 19th century has to be set inside a frame story--the narrative has to be told to somebody who told somebody who is telling the reading audience about it, or something equally layered. Frankenstein is actually not told by Victor Frankenstein or by his created  monster, but by a third party whose main purpose seems to be praising Victor Frankenstein's character to the high heavens.

The story starts out with some guy, Captain Robert Walton, writing to his sister about the weather in St. Petersburg. He's a sea captain and he is preparing for a big voyage to the Arctic, where he hopes something amazing and purposeful awaits him. As his letters continue, it becomes clear that Walton is seriously poetic and he really wants a like-minded best friend because pouring out his heart in well-composed letters to his sister is just not doing justice to the depth of his feelings. But Walton's loneliness doesn't last for too long because his crew soon discovers a dying man floating on a big piece of ice. As the man, Victor, is nursed back to health, he admits to Walton that he has been in the Arctic chasing another person, or rather a "demon" as he calls him. Then Victor begins to share his long, tragic story with the captain.

Victor's thirst for knowledge led him to serious questions about the nature of life and souls. He was a brainiac who devoted himself to the intense study of various educational disciplines, including a few areas of spiritualism and quackery. Time passed and Victor learned how to give life to inanimate biological objects. He cobbled together an eight-fool-tall body, ran an electric current and some other stuff through it, and brought the ugly creature to liiiiiife. But no sooner does his pet project come to life, than Victor runs away from it in disgust. Strangely, it's at this point that I, as a reader, go from feeling a certain fondness for Victor and his obsessive studying to feeling outright revulsion for him because he refuses to take responsibility for something he made.

And I do feel very sorry for the monster, which I did not expect to happen. The monster does some cruel, vile things, but he had no real guidance. He didn't ask to be created and abandoned, and it isn't his fault that his own creator views him with absolute horror. Victor created a life that could have had some value if he had chosen to assign said value to it, but instead he leaves the creature alone in hopes that it will run away and just not be his problem anymore! But it becomes his problem once again when the creature kills his younger brother and frames a servant for the crime.

At one of the climaxes of the story, the creature confronts Victor and talks to him for the first time. The creature has been through a lot of painful encounters with human beings, most of which began with him trying to do something kind and ended with him doing something destructive. He wants Victor to make him a companion so he can live happily ever after with her in the wilderness, but his plans for a monster wedding don't ever come to fruition because Victor sabotages the effort. Victor and his monster proceed in a gruesome game of one-upsmanship where each tries to hurt the other horribly, and they both succeed. When this very short book is over, the body-count is about as high as your typical Shakespearean tragedy: everyone we care about (and some people we don't) has died.

What's the moral of the story, then, if you're looking for one? Perhaps that seeking after too much knowledge or pursuing science for science's sake is a bad idea. Jurassic Park has also taught us that. Another moral or lesson I see in Frankenstein is the importance of compassion and empathy--if Victor had cared for his creation as he ought to, the many, many deaths could have been averted. That's why the story is tragic; a little less obsession and selfishness from our protagonist would have changed everything. Grade: B

Favorite quotes:

-"Thus strangely are our souls constructed, and by such slight ligaments are we bound to prosperity or ruin." (pg 16)

Victor-"But now that I had finished, the beauty of the dream vanished, and breathless horror and disgust filled my heart. " (pg 26)

Monster-"I will revenge my injuries; if I cannot inspire love, I will cause fear, and chiefly towards you my arch-enemy" (pg 80)

Book Review: Frankenstein by Mary Shelley Link Free Download

Guest Post: "Art as Inspiration for Style" by Jay Province

Tiger: Hello, everyone! I'm happy to be introducing this guest post on art/inspiration from Jay Province, author of The Summer Set. Take a look at the book synopsis, then check out his awesome thoughts on Hemingway and on the inspiration provided by art!

"In the summer of 1956 two teenagers rescue a drowning woman from the Susquehanna�s turbulent waters, and their predictable lives suddenly veer towards a deadly detour. Shadowy men in black cars start tracking their every movement. A tall foreboding man clutching a snake-headed staff and chain-smoking through a hole in his throat seeks their names.

Fourteen year-old catcher Peter 'Chumbucket' Miller and his best friend pitcher Mike DeSorcier begin the summer on a mission to capture the World Series championship of their youth baseball league.
Spying on a league meeting from a sweltering attic perch they uncover a group of extra-dimensional beings infiltrating the league. During their breathless escape, the boys discover two things: they are in mountains of trouble and they need help. Assistance (and more trouble) arrives in the form of two daring and mystifying girls � the unusual Karen Croft and the beautiful Jo Munro. Together, the teens must solve the mystery of the Noqumiut before a fateful August lunar eclipse.

Bizarre and comical events trail the foursome�s investigation: Santa and his merry elf magically appear in June running for their lives from a town hall fire; a teen girl flies her Cessna from the scene of a refinery explosion; and a dead body is left as a present on a leather couch � carefully wrapped in a mink coat and holding a red gift bow.

Unlikely sources aid their efforts. These include an Eskimo shaman, a magic stone carving of a lively seal, a ferociously loyal dog, and an opponent from Roswell, New Mexico whose talents (and origins) may literally be out of this world.

The Summer Set is a humorous, intense, action-packed story about friends, enemies and the pursuit of winning it all. The novel is for all story lovers ages twelve and up."


Art as Inspiration for Style

Most readers easily recognize Ernest Hemingway�s famous economy of prose. The influences upon his writing style have been hotly debated over the past sixty years. Hemingway�s stint as a newspaper reporter is often cited as his primary style influence. He acknowledged the reporter�s lessons of using active verbs, short sentences, and precise word selection in his writing. Lesser known is the fact that his studies of turn-of-the-century artists, and their paring brushstrokes, challenged and changed his writing.

In his hungry days, Hemingway would amble through the Luxembourg Museum to study the works of Paul Cezanne. Hemingway was a great admirer of Cezanne, Pablo Picasso, Georges Braque, and Juan Gris. In Gertrude Stein�s salon he absorbed their paintings firsthand. Finishing �Big Two-Hearted River� Hemingway wrote with excitement to Stein: �"I�m trying to do the country like Cezanne and having a hell of a time and sometimes getting it a little bit."

Let�s take a look at a representative Cezanne and a Gris. We�ll contrast their works with a bit of Hemingway�s prose from �Big Two-Hearted River�:


Nick looked at the burned-over stretch of hillside, where he had expected to find the scattered houses of the town and then walked down the railroad track to the bridge over the river. The river was there. It swirled against the log spires of the bridge. Nick looked down into the clear, brown water, colored from the pebbly bottom, and watched the trout keeping themselves steady in the current with wavering fins. As he watched them they changed their positions again by quick angles, only to hold steady in the fast water again. Nick watched them a long time.

My interest in this essay is not to convince its reader of anything. I do not argue. I simply ask the reader to look at the painting thumbnails and try to see the lines, perspectives, and colors in the paintings and then find the congruence between the paintings and the prose. I do not suggest that Hemingway was looking at these particular paintings while writing his short-story. Rather, the suggestion is to see the similarities in style: blocks of images set hard against each other, clear statements of color and form, the movement among the static forms. Look for the �changing positions� and the �quick angles� that Nick observes from the bridge. Can you see Hemingway drawing from his studies of Cezanne and Gris in his word sketch of the bridge and trout?

The congruence lies in the fact that all great art speaks to the unconscious in images, just as dreams do. Whether an artist creates using words or pigments or sound vibrations is immaterial to the fact that an artist creates through the use of images. Look at this Winslow Homer trout:

 Close your eyes and visualize the trout. Now go back and reread Hemingway�s trout passage. Close your eyes. Do you see Hemingway�s words in your mind, or do you see the trout darting in the current? The point of the exercise is the recognition that the natural language of humans is imagery. We believe we use words, but we actually communicate in images. This is apparent in miscommunication. People see and feel differently in response to words.

In summation, inspiration for both content and style may be found anywhere in the natural world and in the worlds of art � be they painting, literature, music, fashion, or pop-culture. Andy Warhol found beauty in a soup can. Inspiration for your writing material and style can be found anywhere your mind seizes upon it.


Tiger: Thanks so much for the great discussion of art-inspiration, Jay! You've made me want to go back and re-read Hemingway, as well as scour the internet for some new artistic inspiration.

Readers, you can find Jay's book, The Summer SetHERE at Amazon.com.

Guest Post: "Art as Inspiration for Style" by Jay Province Link Free Download

K-Drama Review: Shut Up, Flower Boy Band, Episodes 5-6

Contains Spoilers for Episodes 5-6

The sound you hear is everyone's jaws dropping as this show continues to get better every week.

Ji-hyuk opts to save Suah from dangerous thugs instead of competing with his band, Eye Candy, for a musical practice room at school. Since the thugs keep coming around Suah's place, Ji-hyuk suggests that he and Suah change apartments. In most dramas, they'd end up moving into the same apartment which would lead to wacky misunderstandings, but it's somehow cuter that they're separate and highly uncomfortable in each other's respective apartments.

While things are going badly for Suah, things are looking up for the boys in Eye Candy. In the competition to enter the big battle of the bands, Eye Candy came in 2nd while the rich-kid band Strawberry Fields was 4th. Hyunsoo feels that his guitar skills are being slighted when the judge comments say that the guitar part could have been stronger, but everyone else is elated. Valentines Day is coming up, and the boys are more popular than ever, as evidenced by the massive pile of chocolates they receive from girls at their school.

In these episodes, we finally get Suah and Seung-hoon's backstory to their ten-year friendship. Seung-hoon came to her elementary school from America and he didn't speak any Korean, but Suah stood up for him when he was bullied. She even carried him piggyback when they were kids and he was smaller then her. This is a great moment of character revelation because it shows why Seung-hoon is so bent on caring for Suah--it's partly paying her back for her help in the past. And it also shows that the privileged prince does know what it's like to be the underdog and the person everyone puts down.

Then finally, the day of the big rock festival arrives! Hyunsoo is running in a panic to get there on time, and the guys begin to worry. In his rush to cross the street, Hyunsoo is nearly hit by a bus and he falls and cuts his guitar-playing hand badly. Noooo....

Things I Loved:

1. Ji-hyuk/Suah. They're shaping up to be an epic couple, but they're such a natural pair, too. They both have strengths and weaknesses, and they both get smarter and stronger over time. I like how they don't ever lie or manipulate anyone, least of all each other. And they get the cutest moments! For example: when Suah cries, Ji-hyuk awkwardly puts a comforting arm around her while pretending that he hasn't. And Suah leaves a bottle of milk at Ji-hyuk's door every morning, just to make sure he's getting his daily nutrition, I guess.

These two have a fun little subplot where Ji-hyuk has unknowingly recorded the vocals for the song that Suah always listens to for comfort. Although Ji-hyuk doesn't admit to being the singer when she asks him, he's smiling like a fool as he's walking down the street while sharing earbuds and listening to his own song with her.

Any More Cuteness, and the Screen Would Explode.

2. Seung-hoon. He's such a great character. I thought he was a cold shell of a person who had no interest in the world around him, but he has proven to be one of the more compelling members of the cast, right up there with Suah and Ji-hyuk. Seung-hoon rightly asks why Suah didn't tell him about her troubles, and he's all kinds of hurt that she didn't come to him for help. He's a hero at heart; he just hasn't had an opportunity to save anyone. One of the best parts of episode 6 happens when Seung-hoon bravely and awesomely declines the mean school Principal's offer to keep Eye Candy out of the band competition. Atta boy! Honestly, I'm rooting for Seung-hoon every bit as much as the Eye Candy guys.

Seung-hoon, Fighting!

3. Hyunsoo. More so than the "villains," this good--guy member of the band has the potential to cause serious trouble. Hyunsoo's definitely challenging authority when he smoothly suggests that maybe Ji-hyuk shouldn't be in the band and should instead spend his time on romance, since he's always flying off to help Suah. Whoops, looks like our resident loose cannon is getting ready to fire! And due to a bad case of absentee parents, Hyunsoo is always taking care of his baby sister, which keeps him from band practice and frustrates him more. Hyunsoo's a bit of a workaholic because he puts forth more effort than anyone else in the band, all while parenting his little sister. AWWW. Don't make me like you any more than I already do, Hyunsoo, because I know you're trouble.

Excellent Big Brother; Questionable Friend at Times.

4. Suah. What a doll! She's a gentle soul with a go-getter's attitude. Suah works at least two part-time jobs to support herself after her dad's financial crisis, but she never gets bitter toward her appa for his failures. Suah truthfully tells her dad that she's doing all right in her current impoverished situation and that she's made some great friends. She has also grown more assertive and learned more about herself through the crisis. I find it interesting that I now care about Suah like a BFF, but it was a gradual attachment that developed over several episodes.

Only Gets Better With Time.

5. The Music. We don't hear enough of it, but what music we hear from the bands is good. Eye Candy sounds kinda like FT Island or CN Blue, the poppy yet instrument-playing Korean bands that have vocals you actually want to listen to.

Complaints: Most of my complaints about these episodes actually turned into beneficial things for the plot arc. Hyunsoo is missing from a lot of the scenes (presumably because his actor had other commitments with Infinite), and they make good excuses for it, but it got to be noticeable that one of the band members was only in a third of the band scenes. But having Hyunsoo offstage makes you wonder what's happening to him and when he's going to crack.

Also, thank goodness Suah's dad gives himself up to the police so that the loansharks will stop hassling his daughter. That subplot with the thugs was almost lasting too long, but it wraps up before it gets too repetitive.


Telling the Whole Truth: Well, most K-dramas wouldn't last a whole 16 episodes if the cast didn't have a veritable festival of misunderstandings and partial communications, but Ji-hyuk says that Suah needs to tell everyone at school the whole truth about her situation. And wouldn't you know it? He was right. As soon as Suah airs all her secrets in public, she has nothing left to lose and nothing to worry over. When in doubt, try confessing.

Leadership: After being chased out of one practice space too many, Ji-hyuk acts like a grown-up and talks to the actual landlady of their practice space instead of just sneaking around behind her back. He shows his leadership skills in other ways, too, because he regularly takes care of his friends by cooking for them and he dashes off to help Woo-kyung, a girl who annoys him, when he gets a call. That's just the kind of person he is.

Sacrifice: Hyunsoo sacrifices his hand to win the band contest in honor of Byunghee, but then Ji-hyuk sacrifices their win to protect his hurt friend. Hyunsoo was grimacing and playing guitar with bleeding hands until Ji-hyuk forcibly stopped him from playing and shredding his hand further. But though Eye Candy loses the competition because of Hyunsoo's injury, the guys are worried about his hand, not about their win, just as they should be.

Bleeding All Over These Frets.

Cultural Observances:

Valentine's Day is rather different in Korea than in America. In America, I mostly see guys doing stuff for their girlfriends on V-Day, but in Korea (and in Japan, from what I recall from manga), Valentine's Day is a holiday specifically for girls to give chocolate to the guys they like. The more chocolate a guy gets, the more popular he is. But the guys on TV and in the comics never seem happy if they don't get chocolate from the one girl they like, which is the case with Seung-hoon, who sadly broods over a pile of chocolates that did not come from Suah.

Episode Evaluations: Character development for everyone! Sadness without angst! Plotlines that actually resolve themselves within a reasonable time frame! What a great show.

You can watch episode 5 at DramaFever.

K-Drama Review: Shut Up, Flower Boy Band, Episodes 5-6 Link Free Download

Guest Post: E.A. Rigg, author of "Casey Barnes Eponymous"

Tiger: Morning, everyone! Today, I'm hosting a guest post about sharing your fiction with your students (or not!), courtesy of E.A. Rigg, author of the YA novel, Casey Barnes Eponymous. Here's a book synopsis, followed by the post!

"Three weeks into the school year, music junkie Casey Barnes gets a second chance with the mysterious ex-boyfriend whose name she has not even been able to say. In hopes of saving studentkind from the hell that is high school, Casey has been slipping song playlists to fellow students while working in the library. When she gets another chance with her ex, she schemes to win him back by giving him one of the lists. Her plan works, but not quite in the way she hopes, and she realizes that truly winning him back will be a lot harder than choosing some killer songs. Namely, she will need to get the attention of the whole school in a way no one has ever done before."


"N-O. No. No no no. You cannot do that."

Thus said teacher friend Nicky when I mentioned I was considering telling students about my book.

"The old librarian," she continued, "Remember him? His daughter wrote a comic book based on MacBeth. He didn't even tell the kids to buy it. He just laid out a few copies in the library and they fined him five hundred bucks."

She went on to talk about two gym teachers who got married a few years back. They called in sick for two days prior to winter break so they could have extra time to honeymoon. Each got fined fifteen thousand dollars.

"Fifteen THOUSAND dollars. You cannot tell your students about your book," she said, "Cannot. Conflict of interest. They'll fine you until the cows come home."

I teach at a public high school in New York City. I released my first novel, a YA book called Casey Barnes Eponymous, last week. I worked on it for years and, since releasing it, have spent every non-working minute promoting it. But I cannot tell my students about it.

It was my husband's idea that I tell them. I wasn't sure it was such a hot one given that the main character is a punk who's obsessed with music, hates school, gives teachers attitude, and fantasizes about pot and sex. I had my doubts about pushing this character on kids whom I chastize for not punctuating sentences correctly. But my husband, a born businessman who sells TV shows for a living, countered that I should be getting their feedback on it. Using the indigenous species of my work world for a little old-fashioned marketing.

That was before we found out about the librarian and gym teachers.

I wonder if they, the Department of Education of New York City that is, and a real 'they' if ever there was one, will fine me if, say, a student of mine comes to find the book on his or her own, buys it, and puts two and two together that I wrote it. E.A. Rigg is not how they know me at work but they know enough. Will that get me in trouble? If so for how much? Who decides how much teachers in the city of New York get fined? There is a massive disparity between $500 and $15,000. Never mind the fact that neither of these offenses was even remotely a big deal and that, after all, these are professionals who have dedicated their careers to educating young people. The real question is, how much will my offense be worth to them?

And if and when it happens, do I get to tell my students about the book?


Tiger: Thanks for the thoughtful post, E.A.! It's pretty crazy how far authors have to go to stay in the "safe zone" of not talking about their own work that they've worked so hard to craft.

For interested readers, you can find Casey Barnes Eponymous HERE at Smashwords. or check out @CaseyBarnesEpon on Twitter.

Guest Post: E.A. Rigg, author of "Casey Barnes Eponymous" Link Free Download

Book Review: Dracula by Bram Stoker

Bram Stoker, 1897

Review contains spoilers.

After three failed attempts to read Dracula, I decided to try it again, this time for reals! I'll be focusing my attention more on the earliest chapters.

The reason for my previous inability to stick with Dracula is that it begins with entries from Jonathan Harker's journal, which may be one of the single driest sections of literature ever composed. I'm expecting Gothic-y scariness, or at least a deep sense of foreboding before we get to a little bloodshed, but instead we have Jonathan discussing his travels around Budapest ("Buda-Pesth"), and they're not terribly diverting. He discusses the scenery, the food he eats, local fashions, and other little details of travel that would usually only be interesting to a person's closest friends or family.

But one thing that this mundanity does is lull the reader into a sense of average-ness, even though we know things are going to get crazy up in here pretty soon. These journal pages also make Jonathan seem kind of sweet. It's hard to dislike this slightly boring guy who is making the most of a long and vexing journey to Transylvania, and it's sort of adorable how he keeps making notes to get recipes for especially tasty dinners he has. No, Jonathan, we don't want to know the precise ingredient list for your last dinner, but including the info anyway is what makes you you.

Jonathan is a solicitor's clerk sent to inform the Transylvanian Count Dracula about some property he has purchased in England. Before too long, Jonathan realizes that his well-mannered host actually has him imprisoned and it's just one small step from claustrophobic panic to Jonathan actually fearing for his life. Nice job there, Mr. Stoker. Building up that scary negative anticipation and then delivering scenes of creepiness bit by bit? Bravo. It's interesting that Dracula himself is an old man with a white moustache and a plain black suit, so he's basically a super-creepy old person, totally the opposite of any modern notion of a gorgeous, appealing vampire. Dracula wants to come to England and he's keeping Jonathan around as a conversation partner so he can master the language.

Chapter 5 switches from poor Jonathan's descent into the crazies and flips over to his fiancee Mina's correspondence with her friend Lucy. Mina's an assistant schoolmistress and she seems like a clever person with a sense of humor, while Lucy's letters show that she's the more girly of the two friends, fluttering and bragging over receiving three proposals in one day. Lucy pretends to despise vanity and gossip all while being vain and gossipy, yet she's still an attractive character in many ways. There are many more letters and telegrams and diary entries from other characters, but I found them distracting when I wanted to hear from Jonathan, Mina, Lucy, and Dracula.

One unique element of this book is the psychological study of a mental patient named Renfield who does not know how vampirism works, and ends up eating large quantities of flies and spiders in an attempt to gain unnatural life. He graduates to eating sparrows and even requests a kitten from his psychologist, but he fortunately doesn't get one.

Elsewhere in the world of the story, Lucy develops a sleepwalking habit and Mina has to worry about both Lucy's strange behavior and Jonathan's lack of communication. Jonathan does miraculous flee Transylvania and he marries Mina and begins to recover from his harrowing ordeal. Professor Van Helsing, an expert in unusual diseases arrives to help Lucy, but everyone's best efforts can't save her from dying. Twice. In a very unpleasant manner. Everything's going downhill for the good guys and even sweet Mina becomes a vampire victim, but evil can't win forever, and she and Jonathan get a nice epilogue with emotional closure and a baby son.

Conclusion: Dracula contains some lengthy dry sections mixed with some really well-written moments of anxiety, and it's another classic worth actually reading. Vampire fans, what are you waiting for? This is where it all started. Grade: B+

Best quotes:

Jonathan: "It seems to me that the further east you go the more unpunctual are the trains. What ought they to be in China?" (pg 2)

Dracula: "Welcome to my house! Enter freely and of your own free will!" (pg 13)

Jonathan:"No man knows till he has suffered from the night how sweet and dear to his heart and eye the morning can be." (pg 38)

Dr. Seward: "As I came in, he threw himself on his knees before me and implored me to let him have a cat, that his salvation depended upon it." (pg 60)

Book Review: Dracula by Bram Stoker Link Free Download

K-Drama Review: Shut Up, Flower Boy Band, Episodes 3-4

Read episode reviews for:
Shut Up, Flower Boy Band, Episodes 1-2
Shut Up, Flower Boy Band, Episodes 5-6

Contains Spoilers for Episodes 3-4

The five remaining members of the band Eye Candy are barely coping with the loss of their leader, Byunghee, who was hit by a bus shortly after being beaten up by some rich kids from school. Now Byunghee's best friend Ji-hyuk has to step up as the new leader of their group of friends, and he also ends up protecting Byunghee's songwriting muse, Suah.

Early on in episode three, we get a flashback in black-and-white to Byunghee at his awesomest, being his usual adorkable, wacky self. There are shots of him hiding his face after saying something cute to Suah, then him hanging out with Ji-hyuk, then brainstorming some more of his "genius" schemes, and it really shows you just how much the guys in Eye Candy are losing when this silly, vibrant personality exits their lives. The rest of episode three is a blame-go-round about Byunghee's death. Eye Candy blames the rich-kid band Strawberry Fields for beating up Byunghee before he stumbled into traffic. Ji-hyuk blames Suah for distracting him when Byunghee called for help. Everyone blames themselves, as well.

It would have been easy for the show to fall into a malaise of crying montages, with everyone angsting nonstop, but it moves forward surprisingly well. All the characters are getting gradual development, and Suah's getting a decent emotional arc too, which is good. With such a guy-focused story, the main girl could end up being just a placeholder, but the actress (Jo Boa) brings vulnerability and friendliness to Suah's scenes.

On the musical front, Eye Candy has cut a demo tape in preparation for the huge battle of the bands Byunghee singed them up for. Their demo sounds good, but they still have to compete for a decent practice space, and their school is all abuzz about the showdown of Eye Candy vs. Strawberry Fields.

Things I Loved:

1. The guys' love for their lost friend. Their grief is very real, and they deal with it in normal, human ways. There are sweet moments like when little Kyung-jong wraps up Byunghee's picture in a coat because he hated being cold. Then there are almost celebratory moments when the guys set off all the fireworks in Byunghee's sparkler stash. But there's an attempt to push down the sadness, too, because Kyung-jong, the baby of the group, breaks down sobbing at one point and Ji-hyuk has to run away before he cracks, too.

Taking Care of Byunghee's Picture.

2. Ji-hyuk. I barely noticed this guy in the first two episodes because of Byunghee, but he's a great hero in the making. He's learning how to take care of his bandmates and there's a nice moment of tension-panic for Ji-hyuk as he realizes that it's up to him to keep his guys from taking revenge and getting expelled from school. He's like the dad of the crew (or at least the hyung, the older brother). Ji-hyuk may be downright scary in a fight, but he has a kind side and always looks out for the other guys by buying them food with the extra cash he makes.

Our Angry, Illustrious Leader.

3. Hyunsoo. Ji-hyuk's supposed to be the craziest guy in the band now that their leader is gone, but a few lines indicate that lead guitarist Hyunsoo is a potential loose cannon, too. In a fight scene, the icy-cool Hyunsoo goes a little crazy, like maybe he's less chill than previously believed. Hyunsoo also hints that wants to be the new vocalist of Eye Candy, but the role suits Ji-hyuk better. I wonder where his character development is heading. Trivia: Hyunsoo is played by "L," one of the members of the K-pop band Infinite.

May Go Slightly Mental in the Near Future.

4. Suah/Ji-hyuk. This potential couple is so darling. I like watching the tiny moments of awkwardness between them, and there are plenty. Ji-hyuk does finally get past his blamestorming and he forgives Suah for talking to him the night Byunghee died, distracting him from an important phone call. When Ji-hyuk sees thugs outside Suah's apartment, he invites her over and makes her food, but then grumps that she shouldn't expect him to make ramyun for her all the time! When she starts to look potentially sad and sniffly over a reminder of Byunghee, he gives her more food and changes the subject.

Almost Painfully Precious When Combined.


None. These episodes are legit, and they avoid a lot of the storyline pitfalls I was expecting.


Family Issues: Byunghee's drunk dad is extra-drunk at his son's funeral. Do-Il's dad is revealed to be a famous gangster. Suah's dad unwittingly puts her in a position to be hounded by loansharks.

Conflicted Feelings: Seung-hoon's guilty conscience is bothering him over Byunghee, though he's only partly to blame for the accident. Seung-hoon has some cold impulses, but he's never outright cruel and oddly enough, he's enjoying the competition and difficulty of having Eye Candy around all the time. You know, I don't even consider him to be a villain anymore. He has earned his place as one of our leads; he's just a lead who is in opposition to most of our other leads.

Seriously, He's Not a Bad Guy.

Probably Unrequited Love: Seung-hoon keeps hoping that Suah will confess her feelings to him, and he's always wearing that "Did you have something special you wanted to say to me? Please?" expression. Seung-hoon is deeply worried over Suah's financial predicament. When she won't accept an expensive present from him, he gives her a small present of a warm scarf when he notices she's been walking home in the cold. It's almost heartbreaking, because you can tell he loves her, but while Suah lets him hold her hand for awhile, she eventually pulls away.

Someone's Heart Is Going To Get Broken, Quite Soon.

Cultural Observances:

Funeral pictures with black ribbons: At Byunghee's funeral, there's a picture of him with black ribbons tied over it. This isn't just a Korean practice--they do it in Ireland I believe, and they used to do it in America too, but this is not something I see done in the States any more.

Kneeling: Ji-hyuk kneels in front of Seung-hoon, begging him to let the guys stay in school. Seung-hoon really shouldn't hold the power of expulsion over another student, but that's how the power system ends up working. Ji-hyuk has to humble himself before his enemy in order to protect his bros, and it works.

Taking off shoes when you enter a house: Even in Ji-hyuk's apartment, he and Suah take off their shoes at the door. And it's not like the shoes are muddy or dirty, it's just the standard move to take them off.

Episode Evaluations: I'm still stunned that this show killed off my favorite character and somehow got even better in the aftermath. Can't wait for more!

You can watch an English subtitled version of episode three HERE at Dramafever.

K-Drama Review: Shut Up, Flower Boy Band, Episodes 3-4 Link Free Download

Scripture Sunday: First Thessalonians

Paul's first letter to the Thessalonian church is intensely positive. Paul is proud of the Thessalonians for being bold about sharing their faith: "For from you sounded out the word of the Lord not only in Macedonia and Achaia, but also in every place your faith to God-ward is spread abroad; so that we need not to speak any thing." (1:8). These people don't just believe in Jesus; they live out their faith in public and share the love of God with others.

Paul takes time to discuss his previous trip to Thessalonica and mention how he and his fellow ministers acted during their visit. He takes care to mention that they preached the gospel in order to please God, not to please people, and that they never flattered anyone or looked for personal glory. This is an example that could benefit modern Christians, especially those who get to preach from a pulpit--they need to focus on what God wants them to say rather than carefully picking out their words in order to please and flatter their listeners. And yet, Paul doesn't say it's necessary to be harsh or abrasive while ministering to others: "But we were gentle among you, even as a nurse cherisheth her children" (2:7). So a person speaking God's word must not hold back the truth, but they're also supposed to be loving and gentle toward those they're dealing with.

This personal tenderness toward the Thessalonians had a very strong pull on Paul and his co-ministers. He says "we were willing to have imparted unto you, not the gospel of God only, but also our own souls, because ye were dear unto us" (2:8). That's true brotherly love at work, when one person can care so unreservedly for another person and give expecting nothing back. But the Thessalonians did in fact give something back to Paul in the spiritual sense, because he receives great joy and comfort from knowing that they steadfastly follow after the Lord. Paul is longing to see the Thessalonians again, and since he couldn't take a second trip to see them, he had actually sent his right-hand man/protege Timothy to them.

1st Thessalonians contains some important facts about the second coming of Christ, also known as the rapture in Christian circles. Paul makes sure that the Thessalonians know that there is no set calendar date for the Lord's return: "For yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night." (5:2) In other words, it's going to happen suddenly and when no one expects it. Many different denominations (and cults) have tried to predict when Jesus' second coming will be, but dozens of end-of-the-world dates have already come and gone. God's own word tells us that we can't predict when the end will be, nor should we try to--it's our job to be prepared to face the Lord whenever that day does come.

Chapter five ends with a list of short but important things for Christians to remember:

"16Rejoice evermore.
17Pray without ceasing.
18In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.
19Quench not the Spirit.
20Despise not prophesyings.
21Prove all things; hold fast that which is good.
22Abstain from all appearance of evil. "

All easy-to-remember proverbs that we would do well to actually commit to memory.

Scripture Sunday: First Thessalonians Link Free Download

K-Drama Review: Shut Up, Flower Boy Band, Episodes 1-2

Read episode reviews for:
Shut Up, Flower Boy Band, Episodes 3-4
Shut Up, Flower Boy Band, Episodes 5-6

Contains Major Spoilers for Episodes 1-2

This show? It is awesome. Shockingly so. I'm glad I gave it a chance because I had already decided that I wasn't going to watch Shut Up, Flower Boy Band, and I had a couple of very good reasons: 1. It's a teen show and while I enjoy YA books, it's been years since I've liked a TV show centered around and marketed to teens. Veronica Mars was probably the last one I liked, and that was half a decade ago. 2. Just from the posters, I figured the show would be about pretty people posing in pretty ways while holding guitars. Like a music video stretched out over 16 hours. Not exactly riveting television, correct?

But boy, was I wrong! Just with the first two episodes, SUFBB proves it's a show with real heart, and it's not afraid to let a little sad realism slip into its world of attractive teenage musicians. It's an approachable and friendly-type show, and it kind of winks at the audience and says, yes, we know we're being a little bombastic and over-the-top. Just bear with us; it'll be worth the trip.

Byunghee is the leader of a band called Angujeonghwa (most people are translating it as "Eye Candy"). He and his best friend Ji-hyuk and their four other bandmates are super-cool in their neighborhood and are all but worshipped by the local teen crowds, but that's just part of the story. In reality, the guys are all incredibly poor and they come from broken or dysfunctional families, so their time together as a band is the one place where they can pretend to be totally fine and normal, and be regular kids with a chance at pursuing their dreams of success. But when their school shuts down and they all get transferred to a snobby prep school, it becomes clear that the guys will never be regarded as anything but trash by the "haves" at their academy. And when Byunghee gets obsessed with having a particular girl be his songwriting muse, it just complicates matters further.

Things I Loved:

1. Byunghee. He's such a perfect example of a rock band leader. He has delusions of grandeur, but he's charismatic enough that people want to follow him. They may refer to him as "our wacko leader," but the guys really do look to Byunghee as an indicator of whether everything's going to be all right. And since he's so buoyant, they always have some reassurance that things will go their way. Even if they won't.

Beloved By All. Has Only a Tenuous Grip On Reality.

2. Fights. There are a lot of fights and near-fights in SUFBB, and they seem very accurate and boy-like. In romantic K-dramas, most guys fight only over the heart of the heroine, because that's what the audience wants to see. Here, we get a few major fistfights in the first two episodes, and they're over territorial issues, or just because people got mad. That's very dude-like, fighting because of insecurity, aggression, and pent-up frustrations with life. We'll probably gets fights over the girl later on, but for now I'm glad the dirt and grit of this show comes from the guys' own economic and social issues.

There's Even a Brief Fight With a Teacher.

3. Decent Music. We don't hear Eye Candy play all that much, but when they do play, they actually sound like a band you'd want to go and hear. In their first scene, they're doing a nice cover of "Not In Love" by Canadian electronica band Crystal Castles (which itself was a cover of 80's new wave group Platinum Blonde. Layers within musical layers...), which sounds slightly like Coldplay but less sleepy. If you went to their concert, you'd have a fun time if you were at all into rock/pop.

4. A not-quite-a-villain. Seung-hoon is the default bad guy for this story, but he's not really evil and not really even "bad". He's just Eye Candy's main opposition. He's the prince of Jungsang high school and he resents the new crop of delinquents coming in to mess up the place, but you get the sense that Seung-hoon would be a decent person if he weren't trying to live up to his own reputation for being above everyone else. He genuinely worries about Suah--she's not just a trophy to him, she's a real friend. He just doesn't know how to connect with her or ask her what's going wrong in her life.

A Thoroughly Sympathetic Semi-Villain.


1. Too Many Names. This is an inherent difficulty in watching any major ensemble cast drama, but it took me a very long time to keep the names and faces of the main cast straight. In an average K-drama, there are about four leads you have to remember, but in this show there are at least eight main characters--the six guys in Eye Candy, then Suah and Seung-hoon. It took me the full two episodes to keep everyone's names and personalities straight.


Family Troubles: No one has good family relationships, here. Byunghee's dad is abusive, Ji-hyuk's mom and stepdad are...I don't know what they are, but he lives by himself and there's talk of them legally disowning him. Do-Il avoids going home for reasons we don't yet know, Hyunsoo's parents are badgered and brow-beaten, and Suah's dad is in trouble with some loansharks.

Rock Muses: We see some foreshadowing of future plot points (I think) in the big discussions of muses. The guys in the band don't actually know what a "muse" is supposed to do or who might qualify as a muse. Byunghee knows it's a pretty girl who makes you want to write music, and the rest of the band eventually remembers that Eric Clapton wrote the song "Layla" for his muse and won her away from George Harrison.

Suah, Unintentional Rock Muse.

Childlike Attitudes: Most of the guys have had to grow up too fast, but despite making some grown-up decisions, you get the sense that they're still kids in a lot of ways. Byunghee is especially childlike. He's never 100% creepy, overbearing, or abrasive because he so often shows a genuine soft-hearted delight in the simplest of things. He bounces back after every setback, and is surprisingly non-emo about it.

Finances=Persomal Value: Seung-hoon unknowingly wounds Suah when he says that the poor kids are nothing like them and will never be their equals. He's trying to hint to Suah that she shouldn't fall for a street rat, but what he actually does is hurt her feelings by making her feel worthless. The problem of basing personal value on wealth is that wealth changes. If the street rats hit it big, they'll be valuable and if Suah's dad loses money, she's suddenly an untouchable. I see this financial problem nudging Suah closer to Eye Candy, who are more on her new "level".

Cultural Observances:

Band members=Oppas: Before the Eye Candy concert, both teen girls and tiny little middle school girls refer to the band members as "oppas," which means big brothers. Korean girls/women get to use this term for older guy friends as well as blood relatives, and the term seems to be applied a lot to famous guys. So long as they look up to a guy, they get to call him oppa, even if he's a distant actor or singer.

Noraebang: In episode 1, the guys go hang out in a karaoke room, but only two of them are actually having fun and singing. Everyone else is depressed.

New words: "Eodi" is "where". "Eodi-ah" seems to be "where are you?"

Episode Evaluations: This show is easily ten times better than I was expecting. There's a bit of depth here, but the show isn't trying to be deep. There's no voiceover talking about the larger meanings of life; you just see them played out in these kids' everyday struggles. I plan to keep watching and reviewing this one--it may just be a keeper.

You can watch an English subtitled version of episode 1 HERE at Dramafever.

Further discussion of the MAJOR SPOILER death scene, because I just can't let it go:

My favorite character! Is killed off! In episode two! *uncomprehending blink* If I had done my research prior to watching, I would have known that Byunghee's actor was only doing a short cameo in this show and was never intended to be part of the full cast, but I don't like to read plot descriptions or press releases about K-dramas before I watch them--it's like reading the last chapter of a book first. So I was blindsided by the death of Byunghee, but after I calmed down I realized that this plot choice is really going to do great things for the show. Ji-hyuk was never going to step into the spotlight with Byunghee stealing every scene, and this loss should propel the characters to grow and change. I think I was mainly shocked because I feel that in American dramas, the best friend characters either die early on in episode one, or they die in the season finale--never in between. The timing was shocking! Don't let the smiley, pink-infused posters fool you--this show will suckerpunch you with its sadness at times.

K-Drama Review: Shut Up, Flower Boy Band, Episodes 1-2 Link Free Download