Book Blogger Confessions #3: Deadlines...How Do You Deal With Them?

Hi y'all! Welcome to the blogger meme I'm co-hosting with my friend Karen at For What It's Worth Reviews. It's time to open up and share (and vent) about our blogging experiences!

Blogging about books is one of the best hobbies ever and it's incredibly rewarding, but it also comes with its own particular challenges and issues, so we want to open up the conversation and talk about the stuff we normally keep to ourselves.

Guidelines: Do not criticize other bloggers or authors in your post or in the comments! We're here to support each other.

All right, then. Let's start confessing! :-) Our current question  is:

For February 6th: Deadlines for reviewing and blogging. Do you set them? How do you keep them? What do you do if you can't meet a deadline?


Tiger's answer:

I set as few deadlines as humanly possible. This is because the more pressure I'm under to do something, the less likely I am to do it. In college, my best papers were written when I got the assignment a month ahead of time and breezed though it while feeling zero pressure to complete it. If I waited until I had an oppressive obligation, the result were not pretty.

It's the same thing with blogging. I essentially never agree to have a book reviewed by a certain day or month. If I'm part of a blog tour or hosting a guest post, I can keep to a schedule in that case, but in my opinion, deadlines are for the workplace. Book blogging is a rocking hobby that feels like a calling or vocation at times, but I still don't feel the need to make it fall under a strict, regimented schedule. I put up new posts when I have something I want to talk about, and that works well for me. :-)

When I miss deadlines? I apologize. I have definitely messed up a few times and forgotten to post a guest blog on the correct day, and there was nothing to do but post it late and apologize for causing an inconvenience.


To participate in the meme:

If you want to participate just grab our button and include it in your post with a link to either Tiger's All Consuming  Media or For What It's Worth.

Join in the meme and link your post up below or leave a comment!

Feel free to suggest future topics you want to see discussed.

Have fun confessing! :-)

This meme will be hosted twice monthly, on 1st and 3rd Mondays. Here is February's second question if you want to get a head start: Feb20th: Social networking with authors: Do you interact on Twitter/Facebook/etc with authors? Does it affect how you review their work or do you look at their books differently because you're on friendly terms with them?

Book Blogger Confessions #3: Deadlines...How Do You Deal With Them? Link Free Download