Hi y'all! Welcome to the blogger meme I'm co-hosting with my friend Karen at For What It's Worth Reviews. It's time to open up and share (and vent) about our blogging experiences!
Guidelines: Do not criticize other bloggers or authors in your post or in the comments! We're here to support each other.
All right, then. Let's start confessing! :-) Our current question is:
For February 6th: Deadlines for reviewing and blogging. Do you set them? How do you keep them? What do you do if you can't meet a deadline?
Tiger's answer:
I set as few deadlines as humanly possible. This is because the more pressure I'm under to do something, the less likely I am to do it. In college, my best papers were written when I got the assignment a month ahead of time and breezed though it while feeling zero pressure to complete it. If I waited until I had an oppressive obligation, the result were not pretty.
It's the same thing with blogging. I essentially never agree to have a book reviewed by a certain day or month. If I'm part of a blog tour or hosting a guest post, I can keep to a schedule in that case, but in my opinion, deadlines are for the workplace. Book blogging is a rocking hobby that feels like a calling or vocation at times, but I still don't feel the need to make it fall under a strict, regimented schedule. I put up new posts when I have something I want to talk about, and that works well for me. :-)
When I miss deadlines? I apologize. I have definitely messed up a few times and forgotten to post a guest blog on the correct day, and there was nothing to do but post it late and apologize for causing an inconvenience.
To participate in the meme:
If you want to participate just grab our button and include it in your post with a link to either Tiger's All Consuming Media or For What It's Worth.
Join in the meme and link your post up below or leave a comment!
Feel free to suggest future topics you want to see discussed.
Have fun confessing! :-)
This meme will be hosted twice monthly, on 1st and 3rd Mondays. Here is February's second question if you want to get a head start: Feb20th: Social networking with authors: Do you interact on Twitter/Facebook/etc with authors? Does it affect how you review their work or do you look at their books differently because you're on friendly terms with them?
Book Blogger Confessions #3: Deadlines...How Do You Deal With Them? Link Free Download